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In our efforts to provide you with the essential service while making sure you are safe and healthy; we shall be processing all the request for documents on-line.


How to request for Certificate of Good Moral

  • Correctly and completely fill out the Application for Certificate Good Moral [click here to download the form]
  • Send the application form to [email protected] to find out if you still have some financial obligation to settle and/or assess how much you are supposed to pay for this request.
  • Wait for a confirmatory email that will come from the Accounting Office. This usually takes a day for you to receive such response. The confirmatory email will include the Order of Payment for you to print and cut into four (4) copies.
  • Proceed to this link ( to schedule an appointment for payment. Please take a screenshot of the Schedule Ticket that will be produced after you have filled out the On-line Appointment Scheduling.
  • Present the Order of Payment Slips and the Schedule Ticket to the University Cashier’s upon payment. Please make sure to wear your face masks when you visit the university. Kindly observe social distancing.
  • After payment, please post your Official Receipt by clicking on to this link ->
  • Remember to wash your hands after payment has been completed.
  • Wait for a confirmatory email that will come from the Office Student Formation and Development regarding the completion of your request and when will it be available for claiming.

For pick-up

  • The Office of Student Formation and Development shall inform the student via email if the requested document is ready to be claimed.
  • Fill out the On-line Appointment Scheduling [please click here to proceed to the application]
  • Complete the information needed to claim the document that was requested.
  • Take a screenshot of the Schedule Ticket that will be produced after you have filled out the On-line Appointment Scheduling.
  • Present the Schedule Ticket to the officer-in-charge in releasing the requested documents.
  • In compliance with R.A. No. 10173 (DATA PRIVACY ACT OF 2012), representative must submit a signed authorization letter with original valid ID of both owner/student and representative upon claiming of the requested document(s).

For mail (Courier services)

  • Once the documents have been completely processed, the Office of Student Formation and Development shall schedule a courier service to pick-up and deliver the documents to the requesting party. Please provide the complete address and contact number of the receiving party.
  • The receiving party shall shoulder the cost of the courier service.